History club hosts occupy Wall Street roundtable meeting
Occupy Wall Street is becoming a global issue. Across the world, primarily middle and lower class citizens are protesting social and economic inequality, corporate greed, corruption and the influence of government.
Their slogan, “We are the 99 percent,” references those who are struggling compared to the 1 percent who are wealthy.
So what does this all mean to Castleton State College?
“The 1 percent needs to stop being such greedy money hoarders and help out the rest of us more,” said junior Rob Stover.
But student Amber Dumas has a different view.
“People need to deal with things like grownups. Besides, many of them are hippocrates. They buy things from companies they supposedly hate,” she said.
To get more input on campus on the Occupy Wall Street movement, members of the History, Geography, Economics, and Politics Club are bringing a “round table” discussion about the movement to Herrick Auditorium on Dec. 1 at 12:30. Adam Chill, professor and member of the club, led a meeting on Oct. 27 to discuss the possibility of conducting such an event.
“This is a good example of what’s a political and economic issue of today,” he said at the meeting.
The club, formally the History Club, has been around for years. The name was recently changed, however, to include all four areas of study in the department.
“This club was formed to allow students and teachers the chance to discover new ideas, learn about significant events, engage in civic opportunities, and host events that demonstrate the importance of history, geography, economics, and political science,” said member Keighan Chapman.
The Occupy Wall Street roundtable meeting is an example of what this club is trying to accomplish.
One professor from different departments will participate in the discussion by talking about the impact the movement has on each field. Invited professors include Judy Robinson, Carrie Waara, Rich Clark and Robert Wuagneux. Senior Kenzie McCain will moderate.
Wuagneux said he will talk about how real investigating isn’t being done by the national media. With smartphones and Youtube, there is very little privacy and the public needs to be media literate to both sides of the issue.
“What you see is not necessarily what is going on, news can be fabricated by both sides,” he said, “Many, many people, unions, and retirees were hurt when they trusted investors with their portfolios and life savings only to see their money evaporate. They were left with nothing while the “Fat Cats” were rewarded with payback for their reckless and greedy investment behaviors.”
Students and community members are encouraged to come.
“This is focusing on political and economic issues of today. Anyone is invited to come and ask questions, but I want to stress that this is not a rally and will be student moderated,” said Chill.
Wuagneux agrees.
“What is important is that the movement doesn’t become one big rant without a focus. Make demands that are observable not abstract: guaranteed free health care, stop foreclosures… these things can be done. Protesting is the first step, action is the fulfillment!” he said.