Percussion Clinic
At 10 a.m. on April 15, 30 or so aspiring musicians clustered themselves in the Casella Theatre around world famous percussionist Aldo Mazza as he...
Vermont’s still MmmBopin’
The drivers in South Burlington ran into a bit of a traffic jam Wednesday afternoon. The vehicles weren’t stopped as the result of an accident,...
Can someone please shut him up!?
Hank Steinbrenner is the worst team figurehead in the history of sports. Though his time in the spotlight as head of the New York Yankees...
Death to The Spartan
Our newspaper sucks.Wait — let me rephrase that. The NAME of our newspaper sucks. The paper itself is actually quite good. I must have read...
Relay for life
Outside of Glenbrook Gym there is a grill cooking hot dogs, tables lined up for registrants, a man in a purple foam tiara playing bluegrass...
Students across country strip to make ends meet
You wake up, and slowly fall out of bed one morning. You groan as you rise to your feet, and walk over to your closet...
Sand Hill closes, interns seek answers
A Castleton student answered her cell phone in early April, completely unaware of the bad news that was set to follow. Katie Sprowl, a CSC...
Campus Center project excludes Com Dept.
The communication department is feeling the sting of serious budget problems. High construction costs and a lack of funding forced those planning the construction of...
Furry fun in Jeffords lab
Something’s hatching on the second floor of the Jeffords Center — geese, ducks, and chickens to be precise. Science Professor Peter Kimmel’s Developmental Biology class...
Softball team heading to NAC playoffs
The Castleton Spartan softball team split its fifth straight doubleheader matchup last Sunday when the team visited its division rival Elms College. The Spartans lost...