Chatting with the Grad assistants

Unless you have been living under a rock this past year, you probably noticed that there is a different type of student here at Castleton State College this year. They are called Graduate Assistants. These students are in the Education Graduate Program. There are 14 of them, each with their own wild and crazy undergrad backgrounds and stories. Each week one GA will be profiled so we can get to know them just a little bit better. This week…

Tim Sparks

Undergrad School: Norfolk State University; Norfolk, VA

Degree: Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies

Graduate Assistantship at Castleton: Men’s Basketball Coach

What drew you to Castleton?

“I was drawn to Castleton because of the opportunity to be a graduate assistant and to be able to get a Master’s degree and coach at the same time. I want to be a coach and many coaching jobs require a Master’s degree now, so this seemed like a good fit.”

What are some of the difference between Castleton and Virginia?

“There are around 300,000 people in the area I was in and there are not even that many people in the whole state of Vermont! I’m used to more diversity than Vermont has, that was shocking to me. The people here are very friendly and welcoming and, at Castleton specifically, the classes are very small and I really like that. Oh, and the traffic. I forgot how much I hated traffic until I went back home!”

What is your favorite moment at Castleton since you have been here?

“There are so many! One that keeps popping up in my head is the first football game. There was a big reception afterwards and the staff, faculty, much of the student body, and the community were all there. It was nice to see everyone come together and just have a good time.

Also, some of my favorite times have been because of my involvement with the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. It has been huge for me. Everyone has their ups and downs, so when I was feeling down sometimes, they really helped me through it. It’s a great group to be in.”

What is one thing that many people do not know about you?

“Ha ha the only thing that keeps coming in my head is that I can go about 30 yards on a unicycle. My dad is amazing at it, he can do jumps and go up hills and stuff, but it’s so hard! Not many people know that about me.

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